Versatile Radishes - the pickle of dreams

Last week I had talked about the radish as a "whole food" source and that all parts of the plant are edible.  Strangely enough for the last week, and I kid you not, I have been dreaming of pickled radish seed pods!

It may come as a surprise to you but I have never had pickled radish seed pods.  Now my subconscious has focused on this and I have been dreaming the dream of pickles.  To satisfy my subconscious and my burning desire to taste something new, I decided that maybe it was time to give it a go.

Yesterday I pulled just over two cups of radish seed pods from the garden.  Admittedly I munched on a few while working but I left myself two cups so that I could pickle a pint of them......

Now pickling anything is a labor of love, but this is much more true with radish seed pods as they are not very big.  First I cleaned them by running them under cold water.  Then I patted them dry and loaded them into a wide mouth pint jar.  To this I added garlic scapes and a small head of garlic.  Why not right?  After all pickled garlic is wickedly good, so this should add a nice little punch to the seed pods.

Never having pickled radish seed pods I went to the internet looking to see if there is a simple recipe for first time radish seed pod picklers (talk about a mouth full).   Let me just say there are many recipes, some pretty straight forward, others with an Asian influence and then the time consuming variety that takes at least two days to complete...yikes!  

To keep it simple I followed this recipe at  

It's a good starter recipe for someone who has never pickled seed pods before.  

In a few weeks, once I am able to taste the pickles it should give me an idea of what I want to add or change.  I'm thinking peppers and radish seed pods might work well together, then again maybe dill?  I am also thinking of changing the standard white vinegar to a nice apple cider vinegar....maybe I will dabble in lacto-fermenting.  I guess we will have to wait and see.  Until then I leave you with this.....

First jar ever!  I can't wait to taste these little babies.

Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings.  Not all things are blest, but the seeds of all things are blest.  The blessing is in the seed. - Muriel Rukeyser

