Life finds a way! Even in the dead of winter.

I decided that even though I live in "Winterpeg Manisnowba" that gardening in the winter is just as important as gardening in the summer.

That's right, even if you live in a region where you get snow up to your eyeballs and weather so cold it makes Jack Frost think again, you can still eat fresh greens throughout the winter.

If you recall in my post "Rumor has it, I didn't have dinner with Adele", I made a fennel salad.  In my other post "How dirty is too dirty?" I made coleslaw.  Well what did I do with the plant waste?  Let me show you.....

Here's the cabbage regrowing from the core:

Here's the fennel regrowing from the bulb:

And here's something else.....celery:

The trick is to take the ends and to place them in enough water to cover just the bottom.  I put my cuttings into 1 quart mason jars to create a mini green house for them and then I leave them on my kitchen window ledge.  Every few days I change out the water and inspect the base for new roots.  

In about 2 weeks these plants are ready to be transplanted to nutrient rich soil.  Keep them on the window sill, if you can, so they are within easy reach to use.

You can also do this with green onions, leeks, bok choy and romaine lettuce.  You can also grow garlic, ginger and fresh herbs too.  Imagine what you could create with all this fresh food!  

