Oh Canada cherry cheesecake ice cream

Yesterday was a busy day as I have been preparing for some out of town company.  Not just any out of town company, my baby sister and her husband are here for the weekend.  I have been looking forward to this visit for some time.

Last I spent some time trying to think about a dessert that my sister would enjoy while she was here.   It didn't take long as I recalled a discussion that my mother in law and I had last week.  We talked about ice cream and I had mentioned making a cherry cheesecake ice cream.  This one had been rolling around in the back of my head because it was one of those things from my childhood that stood out in my mind.  Every Christmas my mom made a no bake cherry cheesecake, it was a family favorite and it was yummy.

I know this is not an original idea as there are many cheesecake inspired ice creams out there.  In the end it doesn't matter as long as it reminds us of our childhood, I am sure my sister will approve.

I broke this recipe down into steps which I find easier to work with.  Don't worry it looks daunting but it really isn't.

Here's the recipe:

3 3/4 cup cream or milk or a combination of both
1 brick cream cheese

Bring this to a simmer over medium low heat, stirring constantly to ensure it doesn't burn on the bottom of the pan.

Once you've achieved a gently bubble, remove from heat and let cool down.  This does take a while but for good reason as we're not interested in having scrambled egg yolk ice cream.

Step two

7 egg yolks
1 cups sugar
 In a separate bowl combine the yolks and sugar until smooth and creamy.

Step three

Once the cream and cheese have cooled blend in the yolk and return to medium low heat for about 7 minutes.  Just enough time to get it to a custard stage, then remove.

Step four

1 cup graham wafer crumbs
1+ tbsp vanilla
540 ml cherry pie filling

Add the cup of crumbs and a good glug of vanilla.  I know glug is not technical but think of it as my way of saying more than a tablespoon less than two tablespoons.

Step five

Now set up your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturers instructions.

Step six

Once your ice cream is ready transfer to a freezer container fold in the canned cherries. if you fold it in rather than stir it makes a beautiful blend of red and cream.  It actually reminds me of the Canadian flag.

Step seven

Wait about three to four hours for the ice cream to firm up....Sit back relax, have a cup of tea, take a nap or nice hot bath.

Once it's ready, serve on a bed of graham cracker crumbs or straight up and enjoy!
